Those Were the Days (1997)

CD 1: In the Studio
  1. Wrapping Paper (Bruce/Brown)
  2. I Feel Free (Bruce/Brown)(RM 131K)
  3. N.S.U. (Bruce)
  4. Sleepy Time Time (Bruce/Godfrey)
  5. Dreaming (Bruce)
  6. Sweet Wine (Baker/Godfrey)
  7. Spoonful (Dixon)
  8. Cat's Squirrel (Trad. arr. S. Splurge)
  9. Four Until Late (Johnson, arr. Clapton)
  10. Rollin' and Tumblin' (Waters)
  11. I'm So Glad (S. James)
  12. Toad (Baker)
  13. Lawdy Mama version 1 (unreleased) (Trad. arr. Clapton)
  14. Strange Brew (Clapton/Collins/Pappalardi)
  15. Sunshine of Your Love (Bruce/Brown)(RM 234K)
  16. World of Pain (Collins/Pappalardi)
  17. Dance the Night Away (Bruce/Brown)
  18. Blue Condition (Baker)
  19. Tales of Brave Ulysses (Clapton/Sharp)
  20. SWLABR (Bruce/Brown)
  21. We're Going Wrong (Bruce)
  22. Outside Woman Blues (Reynolds, arr. Clapton)
  23. Take It Back (Bruce/Brown)
  24. Mother's Lament (Trad. arr. Cream)
CD 2: In the Studio
  1. White Room (Bruce/Brown)(RM 227K)
  2. Sitting On Top of the World (C. Burnett)
  3. Passing the Time alternate version (Baker/Taylor)
  4. As You Said (Bruce/Brown)(RM 211K)
  5. Pressed Rat and Warthog (Baker/Taylor)
  6. Politician (Bruce/Brown)(RM 169K)
  7. Those Were the Days (Baker/Taylor)
  8. Born Under a Bad Sign (Jones/Bell)
  9. Deserted Cities of the Heart (Bruce/Brown)(RM 237K)
  10. Anyone for Tennis (Clapton/Sharp)
  11. Badge (Clapton/Harrison)
  12. Doing That Scrapyard Thing (Bruce/Brown)
  13. What a Bringdown (Baker)
  14. The Coffee Song (Colton/Smith)
  15. Lavdy Mama version 2 (unreleased) (Trad. arr. Clapton)
  16. You Make Me Feel demo (unreleased) (Bruce/Brown)
  17. We're Going Wrong demo (unreleased) (Bruce)
  18. Hey Now Princess demo (unreleased) (Bruce/Brown)
  19. SWLABR demo (unreleased) (Bruce/Brown)
  20. Weird of Hermiston demo (unreleased) (Bruce/Brown)
  21. The Clearout demo (unreleased) (Bruce/Brown)
  22. Fallstaff Beer Commercial (unreleased) (Cream)
CD 3: Live
  1. N.S.U. (unreleased) (Bruce) (RM 232K)
  2. Sleepy Time Time (Bruce/Godfrey)
  3. Rollin' and Tumblin' (Waters)
  4. Crossroads (Johnson, arr. Clapton)
  5. Spoonful (Dixon)
  6. Tales of Brave Ulysses (Clapton/Sharp)
  7. Sunshine of Your Love (Bruce/Brown)
  8. Sweet Wine (Baker/Godfrey)
CD 4: Live
  1. White Room (Bruce/Brown)
  2. Politician (Bruce/Brown)
  3. I'm So Glad (S. James)
  4. Sitting On Top of the World (C. Burnett)
  5. Stepping Out (Bracken)
  6. Traintime (Bruce)
  7. Toad (unreleased extended version) (Baker)
  8. Deserted Cities of the Heart (Bruce/Brown)
  9. Sunshine of Your Love (unreleased) (Bruce/Brown)
Jack Bruce: Bass, acoustic guitar, piano, organ, harmonica, cello and vocals

Eric Clapton: Guitar and vocals

Ginger Baker: Drums, percussion and vocals

With Special Guests:

Felix Pappalardi: Vocals, organ pedals, trumpet, tonette, Swiss hand bells, piano, mellotron, bass

George Harrison: Rhythm guitar on Badge

This box set is a compilation of remastered versions of Cream's albums, with additional unreleased material.

Compilation produced by Bill Levenson.