Welcome to the Official Jack Bruce.com


Fan Clubs


Jack's official Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/JackBruceMusic


SMILES & GRINS is a Jack Bruce quarterly.   Cost is $10 US for seven issues, $20 outside of North America.  Back issues are available.  To subscribe, make all cheques payable to:


705 Rancho Drive
Mesquite, TX 75149

You may also visit SMILES & GRINS on the web at: www.vanguardproductions.net/jackbruce/









Marc Wickert and Dennis Lawrenson have organised a FRIENDS OF JACK BRUCE (CUICOLAND EXPRESS) electronic newsletter.   E-mail knucklepit@optusnet.com.au for details.  Back issues can be found at http://www.users.tpg.com.au/jlorro.